As the snow finally recedes you should be examining your lawn for snow mold damage. This is evident by gray matted areas within the turf. Snow mold is the result of prolonged periods of snow cover and the length of the turf. (To help minimize snow damage, in the fall make your final cut at height of 2’’.)
To remedy the snow mold situation, do the following: wait till the lawn has dried up some, then give it a good raking and remove the debris. Next fertilize with Lebanon’s ProScape 25-0-5 MESA. This is a great fertilizer with ready to go nutrients and slow release nutrients for the next few weeks. If the area is severely damaged you can overseed with this product. Or, you can use Lebanon’s ProScape 16-25-12 MESA. This is a starter fertilizer designed to get new grass up and thriving.
If you do not need to seed and want to feed and get a jump on crab grass and other non-desirable weeds you can use Lebanon’s ProScape 22-0-6 w/ team. This is great spring fertilizer with a pre-emergent crab grass control. Pre-emergent control stops seeds from germinating for 60 days +.