Zone: 3-8
Height: 3-4' x 6'
Light Needs: Sun to Shade
A herbaceous perennial with large, oversize leaves, which grow up to 2 feet across. Unfurls striking chartreuse leaves that easily withstand a few hours sun. Leaf color changes depending on how much sun the plant receives. Less sun produces greener leaves, while more sun exposure results in gold tones. ‘Sum and Substance’ hosta actually prefers some sunlight, growing best when it receives from two to six hours of sun. Bright morning sun is best. leaves have a corrugated texture and strong vein patterns. Leaves are thicker and are actually quite slug resistant. Flowers appear in midsummer. Lavender blooms are arranged on spikes that shoot up 4 feet high. To help achieve full size, give them plenty of elbow room. Avoid planting them in areas where their roots will face heavy competition for water and nutrients, like beneath a tree. A well-maintained mulch layer is also important. Soil that’s mulched retains moisture longer and better, keeping it available for plant roots and use oforganic matter to help soil retain adequate moisture to keep those oversize leaves from wilting. For organic matter, you can use any material that’s readily available. Hostas do thrive with things like compost, composted leaves or well composted manure.
Category: Perennials