Zone: 4-8
Height: 1-2' tall x 1-2' spread
Light Needs: Full sun
A showy and fragrant herbaceous perennial that has a long blooming season from June to September. Best grown in dry to medium well-drained soil and has a erect, clump-forming habit. The flowers attract bees and butterflies to the garden setting. Remove spent flower spikes to help extend the bloom period. Plants may become somewhat floppy and open up as the summer progresses, particularly in humid climates. If plants flop or otherwise depreciate in summer to the point where they look unsightly, consider cutting them back to the basal foliage. In any event, cut plants back after flowering has concluded. Tolerant of Deer, Drought, Dry Soil, and Air Pollution. Best used in Perennial borders, cottage gardens, butterfly gardens, wild gardens or as an interesting accent.
Category: Perennials