Zone: 3-8
Height: 1-2' x 1-3'
Light Needs: Part shade
A herbaceous perennial native to Turkey and a low maintenance ground cover that blooms April to May. Clumps slowly spread by creeping rhizomes to form thick ground covers. Plants may self seed in optimum growing conditions. attractive heart-shaped, dark green, basal foliage. Small, forget-me-not-like flowers of light blue with yellow centers bloom in airy, branched racemes rising well above the foliage on slender stems to 18" tall in spring. Basal leaves form a foliage mound which remains attractive throughout the growing season. Smaller upper leaves are elliptic. Specimen, groups or mass as a ground cover. Borders, woodland gardens, naturalized areas or along streams or ponds. Containers.
Category: Perennials