Zone: 3-8
Light Needs: Full to part sun
Spring flowering perennials with lush foliage throughout the summer. Well drained soil. Do not respond well to transplanting. The plants may live longer than you do—some have been known to thrive for a 100 years. Beautiful when lining walkways or as a lovely low hedge. The peony’s bushy clump of handsome glossy green leaves lasts all summer, and then turns purplish or gold in the fall, as stately and dignified as any shrub. Provide shelter from strong winds. Plant away from trees or shrubs as peonies don’t like to compete for food and moisture. Space them three to four feet apart for good air circulation. They usually need a few years to establish themselves, bloom, and grow. Deadhead peony blossoms as soon as they begin to fade, cutting to a strong leaf so that the stem doesn’t stick out of the foliage. Cut the foliage to the ground in the fall to avoid any overwintering disease. Makes superior cut flowers, lasting more than a week if cut in full bud.
Category: Perennials