Zone: 4-7Height: 5ft. tall and 2.5ft. wideLight Needs: Full sun Deer Resistant. This cultivar of Umbrella Pine is slow-growing with a pyramidal form. Dark green needles are more broad and thick … [Read more...] about Sciadopitys verticillata ‘Sternshnuppe’
pearl river
Sciadopitys verticillata ‘Joe Kozey’
Zone: 5-9Height: 7ft. tall and 2ft. wideLight Needs: Full sun Deer Resistant. Narrower than the species, 'Joe Kozey' is an extraordinary cultivar that stands out from the rest. At maturity; the … [Read more...] about Sciadopitys verticillata ‘Joe Kozey’
Sciadopitys verticillata ‘Grune Kugal’
Zone: 5-9Height: 24-39in. tall and wide Deer Resistant Japanese Umbrella Pine. Slow-growing, and as ages it becomes broadly conical while staying quite dwarf. It is densely branched with dark green … [Read more...] about Sciadopitys verticillata ‘Grune Kugal’
Sciadopitys ‘Verticillata’
Zone: 5-9Height: 30ft. tall and 15-30ft. wideLight Needs: Full sun Umbrella Pine Deer Resistant Named for the whorls of shiny, deep-green foliage encircling its branches like the … [Read more...] about Sciadopitys ‘Verticillata’
Sciadopitys ‘Verticillata’
Zone: 5-9Height: 30ft. tall and 15-30ft. wideLight Needs: Full sun Umbrella Pine Deer Resistant Named for the whorls of shiny, deep-green foliage encircling its branches like the ribs of an … [Read more...] about Sciadopitys ‘Verticillata’