Zone: 5-9Height: 20ft. tall and 15-30ft. wideLight Needs: Shade Tolerant Korean Dogwood. The Kousa Dogwood is a native of Japan, Korea and China, with all the attributes of our native dogwood. This … [Read more...] about Cornus ‘Kousa’ (Japanese Dogwood)
pearl river
Cornus florida ‘Cherokee Princess’ (Flowering Dogwood)
Zone: 5-9Height: 20-25ft. tall and 20ft. wideLight Needs: Shade Tolerant Native Dogwood Cherokee Princess Dogwood is more compact then the species. Blooms heavily and early, with large 5in. creamy … [Read more...] about Cornus florida ‘Cherokee Princess’ (Flowering Dogwood)
Cornus florida ‘Cherokee Brave’ (Flowering Dogwood)
Zone: 5-9Height: 30ft. tall and wideLight Needs: Shade Tolerant Native Dogwood. An excellent flowering tree for a shady location. Cherokee Brave Dogwood sports reddish pink flowers … [Read more...] about Cornus florida ‘Cherokee Brave’ (Flowering Dogwood)
Cornus florida ‘Cherokee Brave’ (Flowering Dogwood)
Zone: 5-9Height: 30ft. tall and wideLight Needs: Shade Tolerant Native Dogwood. An excellent flowering tree for a shady location. Cherokee Brave Dogwood sports reddish pink flowers with a white … [Read more...] about Cornus florida ‘Cherokee Brave’ (Flowering Dogwood)
Cercis canadensis ‘Pendula’ (Weeping Eastern Redbud)
Zone: 5-9Height: 4-6ft. tall and wideLight Needs: Shade Tolerant Weeping Red Bud. This is a very rare and very delightful specimen. This accent tree offers pretty soft-pink spring flowers and … [Read more...] about Cercis canadensis ‘Pendula’ (Weeping Eastern Redbud)